Re: New competition proposal

14 years 9 months ago #72514 by Kanu
I post here my idea about a new competition. Please tell me what you think about it. I will be glad to answer questions about details not listed here.

SWOS AT WAR , first Sensible Clan War Ever! You can create your Clan and fight for the supremacy on the Sensible World!

How does it work?

A Clan is a group of four users. When a Clan faces another one, first challenge is between lower ranking members. The

winner survives, knocks out the opponent and so he can play against another member of the other Clan. Clan battle ends

when one Clan has no more surviving members. Winners become leader Clan, and wait for new challenges by other Clans.

Who wins the War?

Every empire in history raised, lived golden years and fell, leaving place to another sovereign. SWOS Clan Wars are not so different! Actually, you can aim to collect a huge streak of victories and to a long time leadership. But new opponents

could hide behind every corner... so how long will your supremacy last?

What about rules?

- To subscribe, you only need to post Clan s name and members usernames, specifying who s the clan Captain/boss.

- A Clan must consist of 4 players. A fifth member could only be a not-playing clan boss (may be funny, too, scouting members).

- The sum of Clan members stars (in amiga ooo ranking) mustn t exceed 16.

- A Clan can t have more than one member with 5 full stars.

- These limitations will be considered only at the moment of Clan subscription. Later changes in members ranking doesn t matter. In the case of not-playing Clan manager, his stats will not be counted.

- You can subscribe in any moment!

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14 years 9 months ago #72516 by porcupine1
Cool,i like it ;D

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14 years 9 months ago #72517 by Zarathustra
Brilliant :P

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #72530 by Retrieving
new uh...hold on, that sounds familiar...

two words: team battles.

by the way, an international-scale tournament starring teams from several european countries (each team would be comprised of players of all sorts of tier and then matches would occur only between players belonging to the same tier, with Davis Cup-like draws and scores) would be pretty cool as well, might wanna look into it for Days 2010.

Either that or survival team battles a la King of Fighters/Capcom Vs. SNK but with a twist: allow people to pick as many players as they see fit to fill their team up to a maximum amount (i.e: 4 or 5 to prevent matches to last forever) but decrease the number of players allowed accordingly to the rating or ranking (whatever the case) of the ones who ve been already included.

Weaker players would grant a few extra shots at winning the match despite the overall mediocrity whereas a team made up of top-players would have to be really careful since losing just a few games along the way would mean getting knocked out.

practical example:

Let s pretend we got the following ratings:

Lucaa83 = 10
Sox = 9
JPN = 8
Emiryuuu = 7
TonyTek = 6
Sasy = 5
Nitro = 2
Uccio = 2
HARE = 1
Animatore = 1

the rating limit has been placed at 20.

Then we have:

Team A: Lucaa83 + Sox + HARE (Rating Total = 20), they d get 3 chances and could lose twice.

Team B: Emiryuuu + JPN + Uccio + Animatore + Nitro (Rating Total = 20), 5 chances and could lose up to 4 times.

Lucaa83 from Team A starts playing against Emiryuuu from team B, whoever wins keeps playing whilst the opponent gets replaced by the next one in line in his team.

Whichever team has among its lines the last man standing wins

Nifty, uh?

Looking a little rehashed there...might as well copy paste my post and call it a day, I wouldn t mind honestly, it s got better grammar.

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #72531 by Kanu
Replied by Kanu on topic Re: New competition proposal
I tried to organize this kind of tournament for the first time some months after my first online match on another swos site, in 2007. I really don t care if someone else got a similar idea... after all clan wars are not so unusual on the net :)

Maybe Lobo could also confirm that I was thinking about a sort of clan war many time before your post (I ve never read it before even if was in my thread lol)

I am really sorry if I violated some kind of copyrights lol

PS: Starmax bomber mission II? ;D

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #72532 by Retrieving
sure, whatever floats your boat mate.


PS: Starmax bomber mission II? ;D

What the hell does this have to do with anything, are you trying to stir shit up on purpose? You make no sense dude. Regardless, I still stand by my words. Most of them. Got problems?

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14 years 9 months ago #72534 by Kanu
Replied by Kanu on topic Re: New competition proposal
This is a topic about a competition I would like to organize, and I opened it looking for advices and suggestions. I really don t know what are you trying to obtain with such behaviuours.
On you posted only: 1) accusing people of cheating 2) accusing an Italian professional graphic to have copied F.I.S.S. logo 3) accusing people to copy your ideas.

Now, I am not a psychologist and I cannot help you in your problems, whatever they are.

This topic is about SUGGESTIONS about a possible competition. Could I KINDLY ask you to not post useless and surreal off topics here? There is an inbox if you need so much virtual disputes.

CIAO! :)

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #72535 by Retrieving
stop stealing other people s ideas, claiming them as your own and I might stop posting (at least have the decency to give credits wherever they re due). Til then your sol.

Also, digging old stuff up won t make your argument any more valid, trust me (besides, the so called FIS was my idea as well, what a coincidence).

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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #72537 by Kanu
Replied by Kanu on topic Re: New competition proposal

Ok, all my ideas are copied from your ingenious mind. I have never told to Lobo more than 10 months ago that I would like to organize a SWOS Clan Tournament, and FISS name, logos etc. are only a precious fruit of your sharp, smart brain. I am so liar that I even tried to falsify a poll in order to see my ideas democratically voted.

Credits done!

For disputes, complaining, whining etc., here s my email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

now I would really like to talk about an ONLINE SWOS tournament here.

Ciao Ciao


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14 years 9 months ago - 14 years 9 months ago #72538 by Retrieving



Credits done!

Much appreciated, thank you~

Also (concerning the tournament): I m up for grabs.

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