WOF... is back again - again - again...

12 years 7 months ago #107696 by Menace
Excellent! Thanks! =)

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12 years 7 months ago #107804 by Menace
We ve secured funding to continue the full-time development of WOF - and soon more people will join our team meaning we should be able to get it done even faster! =)

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12 years 7 months ago #107812 by EreWeGo

We ve secured funding to continue the full-time development of WOF - and soon more people will join our team meaning we should be able to get it done even faster! =)

Congratulations, that s great news!

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12 years 6 months ago #108370 by Menace
Alpha test will be going live on monday the 12th of December!

Sign up - if you haven t already - and play the game and help us improve it! =)



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12 years 6 months ago #108545 by Menace
Remember the Alpha is open from tonight! Hope to see you on the pitch! =)

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12 years 6 months ago #108637 by St.Vitus
Yeah, so I managed finally to get access. Well, ok I can say the keyboard/mouse control is not mine.

What I don t understand yet: Will there be a monthly fee for playing it in future or will it be free to play?

Nice work anyway. ;)

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12 years 5 months ago #108763 by ElMichaJ
looks interesting ... good idea

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #108777 by Menace

Yeah, so I managed finally to get access. Well, ok I can say the keyboard/mouse control is not mine.

What I don t understand yet: Will there be a monthly fee for playing it in future or will it be free to play?

Nice work anyway. ;)

Glad to hear that you tried it out. I don t understand what you mean by the keyboadmouse is not yours? Not to your liking?

There will be no monthly fees. The game will run on a free2play model, meaning you can play it for free, or pay for items that boost your team and/or their appearance.


looks interesting ... good idea

Looking forward to hear what you think of the game and how it plays. We re having scheduled test periods this week where we will be online to play with testers. Please check out our site for more info! =)

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12 years 5 months ago #108779 by Menace
We’ve uploaded a new build, with the following new features:

Passing – When in control of the ball, an icon will appear under the footballer you will target for the pass. Be aware that you will still need to aim properly!
(Very simple) Chat – You can now chat inside the game. Press enter to start typing and enter again to send.
Version – You can now see the version number inside the game. Please use this when reporting bugs.
If you have trouble loading the game, please clear your browser cache (Ctrl-Shift-Delete in most browsers), in order to get the latest version.

Planned test periods:

During this week from 16:00 to 17:00 CET, we have planned official testing periods where the dev team will be online and available for matches. Please try and be online during these periods. If these timeslots do not suit you, please let us know!

Finding players Online:

If you have a hard time finding an opponent to play against, we suggest you use our forum to plan testing sessions, or perhaps invite a friend to play with you. We will soon enable you to directly invite your friends from inside the game.

We also recommend starting Party Games, instead of Quick Matches for now, as this allows you play up to 20 players per game and to join ongoing matches!

Next features:

During the next period of time, we will start working on the following features, and hopefully have them implemented in the next build:

Online users – See how many players are online right now!
Bug/Feedback forms – Improved way of reporting bugs and giving us feedback.
Auto switch – Automatic player switching when playing.
Goalkeeper AI – Better goalkeeper AI, and allowing the goalkeeper to take the ball with his hands.

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12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #108806 by Synchronated
Is cool. It is *very* hard to control with keyboard and mouse though, and painful for the hands after a while (and I am adept at K+M for shooters and so on). Mainly, even once individual player control is mastered (which takes a while in itself), I don t know which way a player is going to be facing when I change the cursor to him, so I don t know whether I will need to turn around and therefore which keys I should be using to get him going in any one direction. I m sure that will improve along with other parts of the game though. Going to be superb.

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