Sensible Days 2014 - Billund, Denmark - July 26/27

10 years 1 month ago #124187 by Playaveli
HAHA!! :)
Well spotted, Bomb!

I should have known that Berlin guys cannot take even a small glas of beer... I am honestly soooo sorry... ;D

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10 years 1 month ago #124189 by St.Vitus
So *Augustiner* will be banned from the whole tournament.

Roger that! ;D

BTW: Who the f*** was this guy? :D :D :D

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10 years 1 month ago #124190 by HeinAir

its very exclusive club you know ;)

Want to sing with dior some SWOS-songs like I just wanna feel real SWOS by Robbie Williams or SWOS bright like a diamond by Rihanna! :)

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10 years 1 month ago #124191 by dior
Im a swos player in Berrrrrliiiiiiiin ;D You can count on it Mate!

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10 years 1 month ago #124192 by Playaveli

Im a swos player in Berrrrrliiiiiiiin ;D You can count on it Mate!

Haha, that was so cool.
I m an alien... I m a little aliieeen... :D

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10 years 1 month ago #124194 by andib
If you believe in SWOS tonight.... by Sasha

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10 years 1 month ago #124196 by ElMichaJ
always swos-core ..!!! by scooter

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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10 years 1 month ago #124220 by Bomb
SWOS the world - michael jackson 8)

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10 years 1 month ago #124224 by AndYpsilon

I wanna be part of the Bombzzz and Loosers Group ;D ;D ;D

its very exclusive club you know ;)

hahaha! very funny.

this will not happen again. I tell you the truth now. the later Berlin Open cup winner [playa] asked/ convinced/ obliged me (half an hour before the tournament startet!) to drink a half Augustiner (some bavarian beer). He did this for good reason: I think he knew it would be his only chance to get rid of one of the hottest favourites for the cup final (the mostly unbeaten Lokalmatador Bomb - I guess that the consequences of beer consume on Bombs SWOS skillz are community-wide known). And even if he throwed out my ass in the first KO round, the half Augustiner took away my best shape especially in the Group stage. So I came to the Loosers Group.

But it was not Playas fault. It was my fault to drink beer before a SWOS torunament. Next time I smoke w... well, I dont drink beer.
and then -I promise - I kick asses, especially vitus and diors. and maybe playas too. ;)

cheers :D

A half beer as an excuse for a whole tournament - very poor argumentation, Max :D ;P ;)
I didn t do any friendies before the tournament and managed to get into the Super-Group :P

I remember one of the earlier Sensi Days when you told some of us:
I was a bit nervous in the beginning, then I drank two fast beer - and it helped.

Got ya :D
(just kidding, you know)

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10 years 1 month ago #124228 by Bomb
seems, I added to less smileys to my post. it was 90% ironic, the rest 10 % I was pissed off by myself. ;)
and yea... drugs are changing - swos never. 8)

looking forward to sensidays!

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