Re: SWOS-Total Pack (V1.07-Pre1) released.

16 years 8 months ago #28575 by Verhoeven
I seem to be the only one who cannot even start swos via this total pack :(
when starting it, i cant see the whole windows, here`s the screenshot:

I cannot resize it. I also have only swos: 96/97 in the pull-down menu, not the other versions as seen in your posts.

maybe I`ve installed it wrong? do I need only the patch? I`ve downloaded both 1.05 and 1.06 and it`s the same. should I extract it to some previous swos dir or?? help please

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16 years 8 months ago #28578 by EreWeGo
Hey verhoeven,

that s just the launch screen/window, and I can t resize mine either. I also only have SWOS 96/97 in the drop down box, but when you click on the Play button on the bottom left of this window, you will get to the next screen, which looks like this:

This is where you can then pick the different team data mods, sound mods, etc...

Hope this helps!


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16 years 8 months ago #28582 by Verhoeven
but that`s the problem, I cant click on Play button since my launcher window is cropped so I dont see that button :( like in the screenshot I posted

I cant be the only one having this? :(

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16 years 8 months ago #28594 by Verhoeven
OK, I`ve tried it on another computer and it worked normal. Both computers are running win XP SP2, the only difference I can think of is that mine has a widescreen monitor, and maybe that`s why the launcher is cropped at the bottom? I`ve tried changing desktop resolution to 4:3 (1024x768) but the launcher is still missing the lower half.

I guess I`ll have to stick with WinUAE SWOS so far :(

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16 years 8 months ago #28616 by EreWeGo

okay verhoeven, sorry, I missunderstood your original post. What I d suggest trying is changing your display settings, but I don t mean your resolution.

As a test, save your current Theme , (Under Display Properties), and then try changing to Windows XP theme. If it doesn t help, then just change back to your saved theme.

Let us know if that helps

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16 years 8 months ago #28637 by starwindz
Ah, very weird thing. :o
Anyway, I will fix this problem asap.
Sorry for this bug.

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16 years 8 months ago #28640 by starwindz
V1.07-Pre1 released.
Download the following patch(V1.07-Pre1) and extract to launcher folder(ex: C:\Program Files\SWOS-Total Pack\launcher).

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16 years 8 months ago #28647 by starwindz
A screenshot of Polish version of total pack.

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16 years 8 months ago #28648 by starwindz
To Playaveli and daimaou.
German and Portuguese translation have been coducted by members of Prince of Persia forum.
Sorry for that.

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16 years 8 months ago #28652 by Playaveli
No problem. Less work for me! ;)

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