13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #97833 by Fruit Mec
SWOS V1.0 was created by Fruit Mec
In Wikipedia ist ja die Geschichte von SWOS gut beschrieben, würde mich nicht wundern wenn der Autor von hier kommt ;D

Welcher Bug wurde durch die Update-Disk (SWOS v1.1) behoben? Habe die erste Version von SWOS und ein Bug ist mir da nicht aufgefallen.
Hatte mir SWOS damals direkt nach dem Erscheinen gekauft, das Update habe ich leider verpasst.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit eine Kopie der Update-Disk zu bekommen?
Sie war ja Umsonst.


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13 years 3 months ago #97847 by St.Vitus
Replied by St.Vitus on topic Re: SWOS V1.0
Ich hab das hier gefunden:

DECEMBER 1994 - after a particularly harrowing final stint in which programmer Chris Chapman didn t leave the Sensible offices for over a fortnight, snatching the occasional two hours sleep on the floor, the game makes it out just in time for Christmas, where the team s toil is rewarded by the game selling over 100,000 copies and crashing straight into the charts at No.1, where it remains for the next five months.

JANUARY 1995 - the offices of Sensible and almost every Amiga magazine in the country are beseiged with letters and telephone calls complaining about bugs in the game which cause, amongst other things, players scoring over 60 goals in a season to still drop dramatically in value.

FEBRUARY 1995 - a tired and emotional Chris Chapman begins work on both a quick-fix patch disk to be given out on magazine coverdisks, and a full-featured update to be sent out free to all registered owners of the game.

MARCH 1995 - the patch disk appears on a games magazine coverdisk. Hordes of angry registration card-senders get the wrong end of the stick entirely, and complain about not getting the free disk first.

JULY 1995 - the updated, bug-corrected, actually-all-pretty-much-working-properly version of the Amiga game reaches the shelves and is sent out by an embarrassed Warners to the waiting punters who d sent in their registration cards. Someone finds a small, insignificant technical bug. Chris Chapman, at the end of his tether, leaps out of a top-floor window in a suicide attempt foiled only by the fact that Saffron Walden, leafy village home of the Sensible Software HQ, has no buildings whatsoever more than two storeys tall.


Der Fehler schien wohl eher Saisonspiele zu betreffen, resp. die Attribute der Spieler. Auf friendlies dürfte das keinen Einfluss gehabt haben.

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13 years 3 months ago #97848 by Fruit Mec
Replied by Fruit Mec on topic Re: SWOS V1.0
danke, das hätte ich nie gemerkt ;D

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13 years 3 months ago #97857 by St.Vitus
Replied by St.Vitus on topic Re: SWOS V1.0
Keine Ursache. Und das Disk Image bekommt man doch mittlerweile bei Abandonia und Konsorten ;D

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