Re: "Friendly League Changes History" Champions League 1st edition

16 years 3 months ago - 15 years 10 months ago #37067 by daimaou



After talking with xflea and since the World Cup editions were taking too long to finish, we decided to start the Champions league editions at same time, that should make things more interesting for everyone with more matches to be played. Also due to the time the WC editions are taking to finish, it was decided to make some rules and deadlines to make things work better.

General rules
We are going to follow the exact rules and conditions of every Champions League. We will use original club teams from SWOS in the 1st edition of FLCH. Best ranking players get worst teams.

- Groupstage matches must be played within 2 weeks of it s beginning. Deadline might be extended by 1 or 2 days, but only under special conditions. After the groupstage begins it will be posted what s the deadline for the games to be played.

- Each KO round must be played within 1 week of it s beginning. Same conditions for groupstage apply here.

- You should use the forum gaming scheduler topic if you can t find your opponent to play. If you can t find him post there so you can arrange the game and everyone can see you are trying to play your matches. Of course don t post on last day only, post some days before deadline.

- On groupstage, players can only qualify if they have played at least 50% of their matches. If they haven t next best player on that group with enough games will qualify. If there are no players on that group that verify this conditions, best 3rd place of all other groups will qualify.

- On KO rounds all games must be played. If you can t find your opponent post in the forum that you re looking for him, so everyone can see who is trying to play and who isn t. If your opponent doesn t show up you ll automatically qualify.

- If a KO round match isn t played and none of the players showed interest on playing it they will both be eliminated and the eliminated player that had best goal difference on the other matches of that round will qualify. If more than one player has the same goal difference, the one with more goals scored will qualify, if they still have the same number of goals scored a draw will be made to decide who qualifies.



Po rozmowie z xflea i z uwagi na to, ¿e edycja FLCH z Mistrzostwami Œwiata idzie doœæ wolno, postanowiliœmy uruchomiæ równolegle edycjê Ligi Mistrzów. Da to mo¿liwoœæ grania wiêkszej liczbie osób. Poza tym, poniewa¿ brak dyscypliny graczy powoduje niemi³osierne przed³u¿anie turniejów FLCH postanowiliœmy wprowadziæ pewne dodatkowe zasady i terminy aby temu zapobiec.

Zasady i warunki dok³adnie takie same jak w poszczególnych edycjach Ligi Mistrzów. Bêdziemy graæ oryginalnymi zaspo³ami klubowymi ze SWOSa. Najlepsi gracze w rankingu dostaj¹ najgorsze teamy.

- Mecze w fazie grupowej nale¿y rozegraæ w ci¹gu 2 tygodni od jej rozpoczêcia. Termin ten mo¿e zostaæ przed³u¿ony w nadzwyczajnych przypadkach o 1-2 dni. Po rozpoczêciu fazy grupowej wymagany termin rozegrania meczy zostanie opublikowany w temacie na forum.

- Ka¿da faza pucharowa musi zostaæ rozegrana w ci¹gu tygodnia od jej rozpoczêcia. Dodatkowe uwagi jak dla fazy grupowej powy¿ej.

- Ka¿dy gracz w przypadku problemów z umówieniem meczu powinien pisaæ w temacie na forum. W ten sposób bêdzie widaæ kto próbowa³ doprowadziæ do rozegrania meczu. Oczywiœcie piszemy w temacie kilka dni przed ostatecznym terminem meczu a nie w ostatniej chwili.

- Gracze awansuj¹ z fazy grupowej pod warunkiem, ¿e rozegraj¹ co najmniej 50% swoich meczy. Je¿eli nie spe³ni¹ tego warunku - nastêpny gracz w kolejnoœci w grupie awansuje. Je¿eli nikt w grupie nie spe³nia tego warunku - awansuj¹ gracze z dalszych pozycji z pozosta³ych grup.

- W fazie pucharowej nale¿y rozegraæ WSZYSTKIE mecze. Je¿eli nie jesteœcie w stanie umówiæ meczu piszcie w temacie na forum ¿eby by³o widaæ, ¿e próbowaliœcie. Je¿eli przeciwnik nie da znaku ¿ycia awansujecie automatycznie.

- Je¿eli w fazie pucharowej obaj gracze siê nie pojawi¹ to awansuje przegrany z pozosta³ych meczy tej fazy z najlepszym stosunkiem bramek. Je¿eli bêdzie kilku z tym samym stosunkiem bramek to awansuje gracz z najwiêksz¹ iloœci¹ strzelonych bramek. Je¿eli i takich bêdzie kilku - to decyduje losowanie.


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16 years 3 months ago - 16 years 3 months ago #37068 by daimaou
Friendly League Changes History - Champions League 1st Edition


First we revisit 1992/93 Season which final was in Munich.

Back in 1993 the winner was Marseille.

We will start from 2nd round as the 1st round, besides having too much teams it really has some weak teams...

This cup is for 16 players only.

Participating teams (in order of strenght in SWOS):
AC Milan
FC Porto
Leeds United
Club Bruges
IFK Goteborg
AEK Athens
Austria Vienna
Dinamo Bucharest
CSKA Moscow
Lech Poznan
Slovan Liberec

First who answer will play. I will assign teams according to Amiga Online SWOS ranking in the moment I have all the participants. Best players get worst teams. So worst ranked player would get AC Milan and best ranked player would get Slovan Liberec. If you like me to follow another order of teams assignment for you simply post here or send me as pm and I ll follow that order in your specific case. If you don t say anything I ll use the order above.


Na pocz¹tek przypominamy sobie Ligê Mistrzów z sezonu 1992/93, której fina³ rozegrano w Monachium.

W 1993 zwyciê¿y³a Marsylia.

Zaczynamy puchar od 2 rundy Ligi Mistrzów z sezonu 1992/1993, poniewa¿ w pierwszej by³o zbyt du¿o dru¿yn...

Ten puchar jest przeznaczony dla 16 graczy.

Uczestnicz¹ce zespo³y (w kolejnoœci si³y w SWOSie):
AC Milan
FC Porto
Leeds United
Club Bruges
IFK Goteborg
AEK Athens
Austria Vienna
Dinamo Bucharest
CSKA Moscow
Lech Poznan
Slovan Liberec

Kto pierwszy siê zg³osi ten gra. Przydzielê zespo³y wed³ug rankingu Amiga Online SWOS w momencie kiedy zg³osi siê komplet graczy. Gracze z najwy¿szym rankingiem dostan¹ najgorsze zespo³y. Gracz najni¿szy w rankingu bêdzie gra³ Milanem a najwy¿szy Slovanem Liberec. Je¿eli ktoœ ma jakieœ specjalne ¿yczenia dotycz¹ce przydzia³u zespo³ów (np. ktoœ nie lubi Milanu i nie chce nim graæ mimo ¿e predystynuje go do tego niski ranking) niech napisze na forum albo na PM. Je¿eli nie bêdzie ¿adnych uwag u¿yjê powy¿szego schematu.



1. xflea
2. daimaou
3. Playaveli
4. Coolio_Jack
5. Paczek
6. Edgar A.R.G.
7. Bobbiebobras
8. Basto_PL
9. Doreler
10. Lord Pablo
11. Studavis
12. Lobo
13. Foka
14. Bongojolo
15. Oliustka
16. Kakauh10

hr cup site / strona na eid=680

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16 years 3 months ago - 16 years 3 months ago #37069 by Playaveli
I like to play.

We will start from 2nd round as the 1st round, besides having too much teams it really has some weak teams...

Ehehe.... what a shame for Germany back then. Christoph Daum substituted a 4th foreign player vs. Leeds (only 3 allowed in that time) and so VFB Stuttgart were disqualified in the 1st round.

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16 years 3 months ago - 16 years 3 months ago #37071 by daimaou
Added you!

LOL I didn t know about that, and they had won 1st leg by 3-0 what an amateur mistake that was...

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16 years 3 months ago #37073 by Coolio_Jack

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16 years 3 months ago #37074 by paczek

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16 years 3 months ago #37078 by EDGAR

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16 years 3 months ago #37089 by daimaou
Bobbie, Basto and Doreler are in too, but guys DON T forget you have to post here in forum too!
There s only 16 teams available, posting here is the only way I know who registered first... anyway since we don t have 16 players yet there s no big deal in this case.

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16 years 3 months ago #37090 by Lord Pablo
Party without Pablo ? No way I go with you :)

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16 years 3 months ago #37096 by studavis

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