Re: GOAL OF THE YEAR 2007 !!!

16 years 6 months ago - 16 years 6 months ago #31743 by Falcon
2007 - This is it!

The ultimate meeting of the top notch contestants, of the biggest, coolest, most impossible to do goals in the last year.

We have seen an incredible improvement in the scoring skills of quite a number of players whilst some of them have become common names in the goal of the month competition.
We had quite a number of changes in here, first of all the rule change that you have to attach the highlight file. This enables us to reproduce videos of all goal in equal quality and if there will ever be a time when Youtube is gone, all this amazing stuff will not be lost. We allowed own goals as well. I guess we will have some major changes in the new year, but here we wrap up all the goodies that have come along so far.
Now it s time to crown the king of the kings (and thus handing him the ring which you know I mean).

Here are the winners of each month starting with December.


Anybody still remembers December of last year? I certainly do not too much, except for all the food in the holiday season ;)
But looking back into the archive a phenomenal goal appeared that is so rare that I would bet my ass there are no 5 incidents in this whole year when such a shot went in.
Taklekid was the bold one to try this shot and the lucky one to get it done.



We had two winners in 2007 s first competition, Waenae and Infiltrate .

Waenae managed to shoot the keeper in a way that he steered the ball over the line with his feet. Never seen such a thing again!:


Infiltrate took his heart into his hands, ran the keeper out of his zone with the ball at his feet and - bang - fired a high curved ball into the triangle. Very rare to see the keeper out this far, unique to score with him!: current=InfiltrateGoalieGoal-1.flv

File Attachment:


February brought us two winners again. It were Ottoman and Yigit that month.

First Ottoman did a cool and surprising header that came out of nowhere but if you look into the whole scene the pass right before the header will become pretty familiar a few months later:


Yigit managed to do one of the more rare high headers, that does not work as a pass, but makes its way into the net on his own. Very precise work, man!



In March we started the regular two period system with 3 weeks to collect the goals and 1 week to vote for them to get equal chances for each goal no matter if it got submitted in the beginning or end of the month. The change your vote button got loose at the same time for obvious reasins.

LIK was the one to reach the top in March with a very cool header combination from his keeper to the short corner on the other side of the field!



come she will hmm hmm hmm..... ahh if you take a look at the April thread you will notice something quite common today: there are highlight files attached to the posts. Meant to put as imperative rule in March already, April went to be the introducing month for that.
Another thing pops up during that competition: Coolio Jack joins the list of participants and rocks April (haha great redress to the S G quote ;) ) with what is now known as his signature move. Here it still looks somehow accidental, but in time he managed to cultivate that germ bud:



In May we discovered the possibility to embed Youtube videos in the forum. This is one of the biggest advancements this competition has seen so far. No more clicking links and opening countless tabs to see all the goals, they are right at your fingertips.

We had a phenomanal goal as a winner that month scored by Scouser and what he did was just put the ball into the net right off the kickoff. Ne need for any other player to touch the ball. BTW I asked a trained referee if that is an actual goal according to FIFA rules and it is. You don t need to pass to your fellow player, but play the ball into the direction of the opponent s half. We all knew this goal was possible from the pause cheat, what we didn t know was that you can do it as a regular treat.



Pallister had submitted some goals into the competition every now and then, but in June he did an amazing free kick from the wingers position slightly curved to the long post and over the line and it earned him by far the most votes and fairly the win in June!



We all know the July story. The competition had kind of a breakdown and it never went back to participation like the months before, at least not in the scale of usage of the thread.
BUT we had a great winner and it was a corner that gained the title. Ottoman stroke again. He pushed the ball middle high into the zone and took the ball with a flying header straight into the net. I have seen some amazing stuff at corners, but never again such a straight score:



August was kind of an intermediate month, low participation and just a handful voters.
Still the winner is pretty much worth the mention. Rijntje , by then the master of the friendly league, first got the ball againt the triangle, just to have the attacker in place to heade the ball in on 10cm distance to the line. At the most.



September was kind of a comeback month for the competition. Quite a race arose between the contestants of Coolio Jack and Infiltrate in which Infiltrate won by just one vote. Really really neat win. Infiltrates videos on Youtube seem to be gone, therefore I need to rerecord the goal from the highlight file he delivered. See that s why we need them in the first place.



Well October is not so far into the past that I would try and remind you of the general details. Participation was weak, but that might have come due to the fact that everyone knew who would win this competition. Coolio Jack gave us a perfect variation of his signature move the headed horizontal pass into the zone and the neat direct header into the triangle and in this case with a standing header holding the ball on a high level till the score was save. Incredible incredible, this is what the competition is made for:



Wasn t that last month? Yep it was so this is the last entry into the goal of the year competition.
Still remember who won? I ll tell ya. It was Pallister again with his superb killer shot following a great pass. Stuff for legends and a great wrap up for his year that was filled with offline tournaments which I went to once. Great job, Palli and great goal of course:


So much for 2007!

As an unusual thing, you will be able to change your vote. The voting remains open from now on until new year s eve. Please take a good look at all the goals. Each of them is a pearl.
What you do not see is all the other goals in the threads. There are so many insane ones to see, you might take a look at it before we take everything into the archive again. Believe me, it s worth it!

Mills Lane says: Let s get the voting on!

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16 years 6 months ago - 16 years 6 months ago #31747 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: Goal of the YEAR!!!
Damn...that will be a close voting. I cannot decide which one to take by now.
When will the voting be closed?


I see now, voting closes: 03 January 2008

Hmm, my favorites are Infiltrate (keeper goal), Yigit (billard lob header), Scouser (what a kick off) and Coolio_Jack (farest back-header goal ever).
I wish I could vote for all of them.

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16 years 6 months ago #31768 by Wänä81
my name is Wänä81 ,pls ;)

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16 years 6 months ago #31818 by Ottoman
voted for ms. october hehe ... brilliant goal maybe farest distance that u can score with back header.... great job coolio...

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16 years 6 months ago #31867 by Taklekid
december ( cause it s my goal :) )or may ( cause i had never seen that ) or october (cause it s the most technical goal with perfect finishing with back header )
i would like just congratulate falcon
thx it s the nicest event

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16 years 6 months ago #31905 by Zafer
Replied by Zafer on topic Re: GOAL OF THE YEAR 2007 !!!
I still can t figure how the goalie could get there:) my vote for infiltrate!

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16 years 6 months ago #31906 by he6rt6gr6m
Scouser gets my vote. A Great goal.

Not being funny, but once youve seen one match with a load of headers in, youve seen them all.

I did like the last one, though. GK to head to head to a scorching shot! That was a close 2nd to Scouser.

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16 years 6 months ago - 16 years 6 months ago #31952 by Falcon
@Wänä: I know, but I think all of the guys with international font layout would read you as Wn or worse with cryptic letters in between, so this is a good solution.

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16 years 6 months ago - 16 years 6 months ago #32151 by Lord Pablo
Hi can I vote?? For me the best goal is from September. Infiltrate So if I can -- I give my vote :)

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16 years 6 months ago #32196 by Falcon
Sure you can vote like everybody else

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