Re: Synchronated Updates

13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #96544 by Synchronated
I did some templates which I think are pretty good and would give the right amount of focus to the 3 best attributes (which are of course displayed in SWOS). Sheet attached (this is not finished or anything but I think these give pretty good player attributes when allied to the 1-7 attributes in testing).

Bear in mind that
0 = 8
1 = 9
2 = 10
3 = 11
4 = 12
5 = 13
6 = 14
7 = 15

I have added 8 to the three prominent attributes so that players will be searchable by them in SWOS (it remains to be seen whether values over 7 can be imported into SWOS automatically anyway).

These can be changed at any time before the actual import into SWOS so there s nothing urgent about them.
Changing the reputation to be the number of SWOS points is an excellent idea and removes my main reservation about the previous method (ie that some values weren t possible).

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13 years 5 months ago #96547 by Mozg
Replied by Mozg on topic Re: Synchronated Updates
It s a bit smoother than mine (best attributes are growing slower) - maybe it s even better. However I have some proposal - maybe weakest players should have less values from 8-15, e.g. players worth 1M or less will have two such attributes, and so on, and best players could have even 6 these attributes (in original SWOS, George Weah has: 15 15 15 7 15 15 15.

When I was creating updates, I often used next rule: players with 3 stars or weaker - 2 attributes from second series (8-15), 3.5 stars - 3 attributes, 4 stars - 4, 4.5 - 5, 5 - 6.

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13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #96548 by Synchronated

However I have some proposal - maybe weakest players should have less values from 8-15, e.g. players worth 1M or less will have two such attributes, and so on, and best players could have even 6 these attributes (in original SWOS, George Weah has: 15 15 15 7 15 15 15.

Yeah maybe, would just require a little change to the templates.

Don t want to give Messi a 15 for heading though. So maybe not six of them!

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13 years 5 months ago #96550 by Mozg
Replied by Mozg on topic Re: Synchronated Updates
What about Messi case, if we make him an attacker with 7 7 7 7 7 7 7, he will have FHS or HFS code, so maybe it s better to make him as winger? Then he will be SCP or CSP and we will avoid appearance of H in his three attributes code. We can also decrease heading to 6, but I think that most valuable player all over the world should have all sevens in swos. So finally, he could be winger with 15 15 15 7 15 15 15 - 7 for heading and 15 for other attributes.

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13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #96551 by Synchronated
He doesn t want maxed out tackling either really... if anything his heading is better than his defensive/tackling quality (witness: Champions League final 2009).
At the moment and on all my recent updates he s been RW and 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 or 7 7 7 6 15 15 15. Where the 6 is tackling.
He is always RW so he displays SCP or something very similar, no H.
I think £15m is a fair price really. I think only he, Ronaldo and Xavi will be 5-star players by the looks of it at the moment.
It s pretty moot, as no matter what you do SWOS attribute system isn t very useful for the very top players - they all have to be great at everything pretty much.
I d be all for having Messi be the only five-star player at £12m (7766777) and Ronaldo and Xavi be £10m.

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13 years 5 months ago #96552 by Mozg
Replied by Mozg on topic Re: Synchronated Updates
Wow, IMO only three 5-star players is definitely too few for me :) I will add at least Iniesta (I think no doubt here), Rooney, Fabregas, Villa, Torres, or maybe Ribery and Kaka.

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13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #96553 by Synchronated
Have you seen Rooney or Torres this season? :D
Ciaran Clark and Seamus Coleman have more league goals than Rooney, and all but one of his were penalties.
Those players (apart from perhaps Iniesta) are really nowhere near the level of Messi or Ronaldo with any consistency.
I m not sure there were more than 3 or 4 5-star players in the original SWOS (94-95).

The problem with elevating lots of 4.5-star players to 5-star is that you then have to elevate lots of 4-star players to 4.5-stars and so forth. And then there are far too many players with what are essentially perfect attributes. Like there were in my old updates.

I ideally would like to follow the balancing of Sensible Software and approximately equal the numbers of great players in the original 94-95 DB so I d be interested to see that data if anyone has it.
Any adjustment in this regard could be applied right across all the reputation values, so the DB is also flexible in that regard.

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13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #96554 by Mozg
Replied by Mozg on topic Re: Synchronated Updates
So in SWOS 96/97 there were: Shearer, Bebeto, Weah, Klinsmann and Maldini, so 5 players. So i think that at least Iniesta deserves 5 stars. But in general I think that in nowadays football there is more valuable players than 15 years ago - for me e.g. all Barcelona first eleven players surely deserves 4,5 stars. But if you want to create update more close to SWOS spirit , they of course don t.

PS. I ve fastly counted players from original SWOS (96-97) with at least 4,5 stars (excluding national teams) - there are 79 of them, so really not few :)

Edit: What about original data - it s included in the newest version of SWOS Total-Pack :)

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13 years 5 months ago #96555 by Synchronated
It has to be balanced to old SWOS and old values, yes. That s why Messi is £15m standard and not Michael Carrick :)
Values have risen so much that the game is a farce if you use current values.
I will have a look at 94-95 data later!

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13 years 5 months ago - 13 years 5 months ago #96556 by Mozg
Replied by Mozg on topic Re: Synchronated Updates
So i looked through the best SWOS 94-95 leauges (Italy, Spain, England, France, Holland, Germany, Portugal, Brazil) and counted 56 at least 4,5 - still not few :)

Well, I like these modern updates with many of highest class players - it s really harder to play when opponent s central defenders and goalkeeper are 4.5-starred! :)

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